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Nov 19, 2021
Season 7
Episode 41
Children in Need Special (2021)
Billy and his mum Mandy's special teddy, Henry, is certainly in need of some specialist TLC, so it is over to the lovely folk at The Repair Shop to work their magic and secure a new lease of life for the bear.
Nov 26, 2021
Season 7
Episode 40
Silver-Plated Cornet
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Musical instrument restorer Pete is pleased to meet Chris Bassett from Hertfordshire. Chris has brought in his very first musical instrument, which is desperate for some specialist attention. A gift from his parents to help him recuperate after a childhood accident, this cornet made a huge impact on his life and shaped his future. It sparked a love for music, performing and inspiring others. The silver-plated cornet is dented, tarnished and seized up. It has not been played for over 50 years, but Pete feels sure he can nurse it back to full voice again and grant Chris's wish to play it in memory of his wonderful parents. Next into the barn are Simon and Elaine Johnston, with a memento from Simon's childhood that sparks a multitude of lovely memories. Expert Steve remembers a similar item from his own childhood and gets to work reconditioning the rusted paraffin lamp. Simon and his siblings grew up playing cards with their parents by the light of this lamp and feels those moments taught him of the importance of family time. He would love his own children to share that experience and hear its familiar hiss as it burns bright. Finally, music box restorer Steve and silversmith Brenton greet Lynnie McGirr and are charmed by her elaborate silver music box, with a tiny feather bird that should pop up and sing along. The music box transfixed Lynnie and her then-young children from the moment they saw it. However, after an unfortunate accident many years ago, the musical mechanism no longer works, the box has lost its lustre and the little bird refuses to perform. Lynnie would love her new granddaughter to be mesmerised, just as she was.
Nov 25, 2021
Season 7
Episode 39
Tap Shoes
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Janice Monty and her daughter Nicole from Merseyside are first to arrive, with a pair of tap shoes. These crushed and cracked treasures were recently unearthed in a garage, and the ladies are hoping that cobbler Dean can breathe new life into them. The white leather shoes belonged to Janice's mother-in-law, Rita, who was an accomplished professional dancer in her heyday. She performed in music halls and palladiums all over the UK, dancing in chorus lines and touring with the big names of the day, but the years in the garage have taken their toll on her well-worn shoes. Dean jumps at the chance to preserve these precious, fragile items for the family to cherish for many years to come. Silversmith Brenton is ready and waiting for Diane Vaughan, who delivers her late grandmother's silver purse. It was a wedding present from her fiancé, Diane's grandfather, and she carried it up the aisle on their special day in 1929. The ornate clasped purse is cherished by the family, as it is a symbol of a long and loving marriage of a much-missed couple. But it is now dented and tarnished, and the hinges and clasp are broken. Brenton knows these items are notoriously difficult to repair, but with Susie's help on the leather lining, he is confident he can return it resplendent. And Beverley Swain visits the barn with an item that conjures up wonderful memories of her late father. She is keen for the master of all things mechanical, Steve, to see if he can get a magician's table back to its old tricks.
Nov 24, 2021
Season 7
Episode 38
The Whistling Man
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. The first visitor to the barn is Matthew Bowland from Leeds. He has brought in a wooden statue of a dapper gentleman for the attention of organ restorer David. Inside the figure are miniature bellows that, when wound up, should give this fellow a whistle. It belonged to Matthew's beloved grandparents and signifies many happy memories of them. A young Matthew was fascinated by the whistling man and would always ask his grandad to wind him up so they could listen to his cheery tune. Unfortunately, the jammed mechanism and missing key means David must do some major problem solving to fulfil Matthew's ong-held wish to hear the whistling man once again. Mechanical whizz Steve and silversmith Brenton join forces to repair a photographer's timer. It belonged to Gillian Hoy's much-missed father, who was a passionate amateur photographer. The device is used when developing images in a dark room, and Gillian was in charge of setting it when she helped her father as a little girl. Sadly, it is no longer fit for purpose - rusty, dented and unable to keep time reliably. Gillian has big plans to get it back up and running so her daughter, who has followed in her grandfather's footsteps, can use it in her dark room. And Will, who works wonders with wood, takes on a little carved owl that houses an inkwell. Phin Hall received it as a childhood gift from his grandad, but it came a cropper when an overzealous 12-year-old Phin knocked it over, spilling the ink and damaging the owl's head. The stained owl was hidden in a box in the attic for over 30 years. Phin, who writes for a living, would love to get his feathered friend in fine fettle again.
Nov 23, 2021
Season 7
Episode 37
Musical Wedding Album
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First through the barn doors is a small, wooden child's chair gifted to a boy with cystic fibrosis. Sam was diagnosed as a toddler and passed away aged 39. Now his father Ian hopes furniture restorer Will can revive the broken childhood chair to pass on to Sam's young son who has never seen it in one piece. It takes three experts to restore a musical wedding album that symbolises the deep love between a young Jamaican couple embarking on a new life together in the UK. Sybil and George came to Britain in the 1950s as part of the Windrush Generation. Following his mum's death, son Owen is now determined to get the album fixed for his father but when he returns to the barn he has some very sad news. And metal expert Dominic and electrical whizz Mark undertake the mammoth repair of a vintage seaside children's ride in the shape of a camel. Humpy has been weathered by a lifetime of living outdoors by the sea but with a whole village expectantly waiting for him, they need to get the precious camel back on his feet.
Nov 22, 2021
Season 7
Episode 36
Kiddush Cup
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First to arrive at the barn, seeking the help of conservator Kirsten, are Cyndy and Jack Lessing from Essex. They have brought a ceremonial glass goblet, known as a Kiddush cup, which their family used every Friday evening to welcome the Sabbath. Cyndy and Jack bought the ornate, hand-decorated glass over 30 years ago, as a bar mitzvah gift for their son. Kirsten just hopes they have salvaged every single fragile shard. Nicole How is next to arrive, with an important piece of London's history for the attention of leather expert Susie. The leather bobbin hat is over 100 years old and was worn by Nicole's grandfather during his 43-year career as a porter at Billingsgate Fish Market. He would balance boxes of fish on top of the weighted hat, but now it is dirty and the leather is very tough. Susie is delighted to hear about the charismatic gentleman who owned it and is determined to preserve this wonderful link to a bygone era. Last, but not least, wood restorer Will welcomes a wooden push-along horse called Toby. He is accompanied by his proud owner Marjorie Ennew, whose talented grandfather made it for her when she was a toddler. Toby is dearly loved by Marjorie, but she would love Will to fix him up so that he can continue to charm her family. He has lost the handle that pushes him along, his mane is long gone, and he is very chipped in places. Will, of course, is more than happy to oblige.
Nov 19, 2021
Season 7
Episode 35
Wol the Stuffed Owl
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First to arrive at the barn are Judith Holliman and her son James. They have brought a stuffed owl called Wol. Judith clearly remembers him peeking out of her Christmas stocking when she was just a few years old He was a gift from her beloved grandmother, who helped to raise her, and Wol is constant reminder of her grandmother's love. But he could really do with the expert care of bear ladies Amanda and Julie. Musical maestro David welcomes Kathryn Freeman from Hertfordshire. He is excited to get his healing hands on her family's miniature piano, which is now in a sorry state. Kathryn grew up with five older sisters, and this pint-sized piano provided hours of entertainment for them all. However, it is now far from tuneful. Several hammers and tone bars are missing, numerous keys are broken, and the exterior is faded and chipped. And Moonis Alam from London comes to see horologist Steve, in the hope that Steve can bring his family's wall clock back to life again. The clock bears a scar that tells a compelling tale of war and a rather narrow escape during the Bangladeshi liberation in the early 1970s. Moonis would love to hear it tick and chime once again.
Nov 18, 2021
Season 7
Episode 34
Painting 'The Storyteller' by Robin Rae
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First through the barn doors is Sue Lock, with her daughter Hannah. They have brought Sue's grandmother's leather midwifery bag. They fear the battered old bag is a hopeless case, but Suzie believes she can nurse it back to life. Sue's grandmother worked selflessly for decades as a midwife, delivering hundreds of babies during air raids and in the early years for the NHS. Next, art conservator Lucia has the pleasure meeting Alice Bird from Devon, who has brought in one of her late father's artworks. Robin Rae was a prolific artist and was still painting into his nineties. The piece, which is entitled The Storyteller, was painted when Robin was just 21 years of age. Alice was gifted the painting when she was a similar age. However, it incurred extensive damage when it was transported to France, much to Alice's despair. The day's final visitors are mother and daughter Cheryl and Dawn Sandford. They have come to meet jeweller Richard, carrying a precious family keepsake that belonged to Cheryl's beloved nan. The gold brooch holds a picture and a lock of hair from her favourite brother, Billy, whose life was lost serving in the First World War. The brooch is so damaged it can no longer be worn, but Cheryl would love to enjoy it and pass it down to her daughter and granddaughter when the time comes.
Nov 17, 2021
Season 7
Episode 33
Silver Tea Set
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. The first visitor to the barn is Sue Kent from Manchester, with an heirloom. She is hoping silversmith Brenton can help restore a prized tea set given to her by her uncle and godfather John. As a result it has been hidden away in a cupboard for nearly 10 years. This has left poor Sue wracked with guilt about the accidental damage. She is desperate to see it restored and gleaming once more. Next to arrive is Sarah Lindsay from Scotland, who is hoping Dominic's expertise in metals can salvage an unusual family relic: an old cast-iron post box. Sarah's family have long links to the post office. The family call the post box after her grandfather Angus, known as Gus. He was in the Royal Mail for over 40 years, and the post box was a retirement gift. But over 40 years of exposure to Scottish weather has taken its toll. Philip Birkenstein from Buckinghamshire has brought in a precious keepsake that symbolises his family's wartime experience of the 1930s and 40s - and it needs Suzie's leatherwork expertise. Phillip's parents grew up in Germany and experienced the worst of the Nazi regime before managing to escape to England. When they fled, they left all their possessions behind, arriving with very little. Phillip's item is a leather folder; intricately detailed, as it is one of the only items his parents were able to salvage from their family home in Germany. Suzie has a tricky challenge on her hands, as reviving the perished leather folder is slow progress and fiddly work. However, she is determined to do justice to this important piece of Phillip's family history.
Nov 16, 2021
Season 7
Episode 32
1970s Puppet
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. The first visitor to the barn is Emma Patinson, with a much-loved childhood toy. Emma is hoping Julie and Amanda can work their magic on her quirky companion, a worn and cracked puppet from the 1970s. The puppet was a present from Emma's dad, who very sadly passed away not long after gifting the toy to his daughter. The puppet has had some bumps and bruises along the way. Emma longs to see him as he once was, and Amanda and Julie are only too happy to help. Next, camera restorer Brenton and leather expert Suzie welcome art student Eloise Badger to the workshop. Eloise has brought in her late great-grandmother's camera. Sadly, it hasn't been used for over 60 years and has seized shut, and its leather bag has also seen better days. This 90-year-old heirloom has been reverently cared for by the family since it was bought in 1932. Treasured by Eloise's great-grandmother, who was a keen photographer, it has now been passed down to Eloise. She is studying fine art and has inherited her great grandmother's passion for photography. Lastly, clockmaker Steve is faced with an unusual timepiece: a Congreve rolling ball clock owned by Huw David from Burnley. Huw's grandfather Oswald cleverly made the clock during the 1980s. It is powered by a metal ball rolling down a slanted table. But unfortunately these types of clocks are notoriously bad at keeping time. Sadly, Oswald developed dementia and never got a chance to perfect the running of the clock. Steve has a challenge on his hands to get this clock running to time, but with patience, ingenuity and a delicate touch, he coaxes it back to its former glory.
Nov 15, 2021
Season 7
Episode 31
Vintage Printing Machine
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Leather expert Suzie Fletcher and furniture restorer Will Kirk join forces to revive a dilapidated strap chair that's seen better days. The chair serves as a precious reminder of a much-missed husband and father. It's a meticulous mend but when mother and daughter Jamila and Aaliya set eyes on their revamped chair the memories come flooding back. Letterpress owner Kitt Moss is hoping Dominic Chinea can rejuvenate her grandfather's vintage printing machine so she can use it to make invitations for her forthcoming wedding. Dom's love of metal means he's in his element as he gets the precious press printing once again. And mechanical maestro Steve Fletcher faces a tricky fix on a motorised toy war plane that's been grounded for over fifty years.
Nov 12, 2021
Season 7
Episode 30
Wooden Soldier's Trunk
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Wood expert Will is entrusted with a dearly loved wooden soldier's trunk that has been passed down five generations of one family. Now custodian Luke is embarking on officer training at Sandhurst and would like to take his great-great-grandfather Sidney's military chest with him. Careful conservation from Will, along with some signwriting skills from Dominic, leave the trunk fit for inspection once again. Roxanna arrives at the barn with her precious Persian tea set, a treasured reminder of frequent childhood trips to Iran to visit family. The set was central to family gatherings for decades and has the dents and dings to prove it. Silversmith Brenton takes a shine to the set and his careful craftsmanship, served up to Roxanna along with a cup of traditional Persian tea, satiates her thirst to rekindle those wonderful childhood memories. And metal worker Dominic and master saddler Suzie pair up to revive a vintage pair of roller skates dating back to the 1890s.
Nov 11, 2021
Season 7
Episode 29
Worn-out Toy Rabbit
Jay and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Soft toy restorers Julie and Amanda are entrusted to revive a worn-out rabbit belonging to Liz Warne. As a baby Liz suffered from a lung condition which left doctors telling her parents she wouldn't survive. Hospitalised for a long time, they could only give little Liz a gift that could be sterilised. Bundo quickly became a lifeline for Liz, one that she has clung to ever since. Now completely threadbare, she's determined to make him robust enough to face the future. Drum expert Pete is tasked with reviving a battered bass drum belonging to the Barrow-in-Furness Sea Cadets. The drum should be the beating heart of the band, but it is in dire need of resuscitation. As Pete gets to work, he discovers some of his own history wrapped up in the old bass drum. With a little help from Dominic and Suzie, the beating heart bass is restored to life. And furniture restorer Will works wonders on a wooden church pew that has witnessed all the major events in a family's life. Owner Tracey has covered it in brown fence paint, but careful conservation from Will brings out the beauty of the original wood and triggers Tracey's memories of her late father and brother.
Nov 10, 2021
Season 7
Episode 28
Engagement and Eternity Rings
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First to arrive is Eleanor Grundell from Leeds. She has her hopes pinned on master goldsmith Richard saving two rings with huge meaning. The engagement and eternity rings were the beautiful possessions of her grandma Edna, whom Eleanor sadly never met but heard so much about from her late father. However, the rings in their current condition are too fragile to wear, with missing precious stones and misshapen beyond belief. The barn's next visitors are Richard and Kath Bond, along with Dobbin the geriatric pantomime horse, much to the glee of soft toy restorers Amanda and Julie. Richard, Kath and Dobbin are all members of their local amateur dramatic club and have been since the 1960s. Although Kath has tried unsuccessfully to repair his various issues, he is falling apart and in no fit state to tread the boards. And stringed instrument expert Julyan Wallis takes on a much-loved dreadnought guitar in a diabolical condition. Owner Walter Renton played professionally in various bands in his heyday and wooed his wife with love songs played on this very instrument. His daughter Ann is immensely proud of him and not just for his musical talent. Recently Walter has been very poorly but is now well on the road to recovery. Being able to play his old guitar, that he bought over 50 years ago, would give him and his loving family hope for the future.
Nov 9, 2021
Season 7
Episode 27
Indian Dancing Doll
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Loona Hazarika from London is first to arrive with an Indian dancing doll that he would love ceramics expert Kirsten and clockwork king Steve to work on. The figurine comes in four fragile pieces connected together with wires, and when touched she gives a little wiggle. Loona is the custodian of this pretty performer, but she originally belonged to his neighbour, a wonderful woman called Florence. Both children loved her company and Florence had them transfixed each time she cajoled the doll to dance, but now the doll is not as spritely as she once was. Music box master Steve Kember and silversmith Brenton West are called upon to work their wonders on a musical menorah, lit every year to celebrate the Jewish festival of Hanukkah. Hilary Stelling and her brother would take turns to wind it up and sing along to the traditional tune. Hilary yearns to hear it again and light the candles with her family this Hanukkah. The final collaboration of the day is with wood expert Will Kirk and metal maestro Dom Chinea. They breathe new life into a handmade sewing box that symbolises the love and respect between a special couple. Sue Tetlow's talented father made it for his wife as a wedding gift and Sue's mum treasured the box. Will and Dom do their best to make it fit for purpose again.
Nov 8, 2021
Season 7
Episode 26
Young Man and Dog Lead Statue
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Mother and son duo Linda and James Gibson are in desperate need of silversmith Brenton help to restore a treasured lead statue of a young man with a dog that has been part of their family for over 70 years. Originally bought by Linda's parents, the statue stood proudly in their garden all through Linda's childhood. The statue was stolen and thought lost forever until several years later it was discovered in a ditch and returned to the delighted family. The dashing young man and his faithful hound incurred extensive damage in the incident and are looking very sorry for themselves. This is one of the largest projects Brenton has ever undertaken, and he is determined to get the figure back on his feet again. Next at the barn to meet expert Suzie is Dawn Curley from the West Midlands. She has brought her late father's suitcase, which is made from cardboard. This trusty little case carried all of Leopard's possessions on the Empire Windrush voyage from Jamaica in 1948. Leopard settled in the UK, fell in love and had a large family. His daughter Dawn is very proud of what her father achieved despite much prejudice and discrimination and feels compelled to have this crumpled case preserved in his memory. And French polisher Will repairs a wooden giraffe that belonged to Illona's late husband Steve, who loved the lofty creatures. She bought it as a gift for him. Tragically, Steve passed away not long after they were married and this giraffe, who she has named Steve, reminds her of the happy times they had together. However, the wood has split and damaged, which rendered the poor thing lame and unstable.
Nov 5, 2021
Season 7
Episode 25
Tarnished Tuba
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First at the barn is Andy Crook from Cornwall. His hopes for restoring a very special inheritance rests on musical instrument expert Pete. The rather tarnished tuba belonged to his late father, Frank. Both he and Andy played in various brass bands over the years and shared a real love for performing. Andy discovered the tuba in his mother's loft after decades of believing it was long gone. He dreams of being able to play his beloved dad's instrument. However, the tuba has been rendered mute from damage caused over 30 years ago - a crucial valve is missing, and a leaking joint makes this fix a tricky one for Pete.Horologist Steve skills are really put the test when Kamal from Cheshire arrives with her family's mantel clock. Her Sikh parents came from India just after the second world war and, although it was a struggle for them to settle in Yorkshire, they made a happy life and Kamal is hugely proud of them. The clock was the beating heart of their household. She clearly remembers the sweet chime and she yearns to hear it once again. After years of being stored in the basement of her childhood home and only recently unearthed, the metal encased clock is in a bad way, but Steve rolls up his sleeves and brings it back to life. And silversmith Brenton is intrigued by an Asian curiosity brought in by Tracy Lavery and her daughter Zoe. The bronze pot is in the form of a lion dog with a hinged head and is thought to have been designed for burning incense. It joined Tracey's family when her grandfather brought it back from his worldly travels and has been passed from mother to daughter ever since. It's been used as a money pot mainly and has captivated each family member. However, at the ripe old age of at least one hundred, he is desperate for an over haul - his tail has detached, his hinge is broken and he's cracked in places but fortunately he's in safe hands with Brenton.
Nov 4, 2021
Season 7
Episode 24
Motor Bike Saddle Bags
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First up are sisters Daisy and Indiana Perry with their father's damaged motor bike saddle bags. They are here to entrust them with leather restoration expert Susie. Their father, Mark, is a devoted biker and the bags have accompanied him on the open road for tens of thousands of miles. Unfortunately, Mark was involved in an accident on his bike ten years ago and suffered a brain injury, which means days out on his bike are limited. Daisy and Indiana know how much it would mean to him to have these trusty bags repaired and back on his bike for his precious final rides, and fellow motorbike fan Suzie is only too happy to help. Mechanical marvel Steve welcomes Ben Chaffe to the workshop with his late grandfather's barometer. Ben spent holidays as a child at his grandparents' house on the Dorset coast, and every morning the barometer was consulted before each day's activities were planned. Its predictions were taken very seriously, and young Ben was very impressed with its accuracy. The barometer was left to him when his dear grandfather died, for which he felt honoured. Steve needs patience, know-how and a bit of good fortune to get this gadget going. Lastly, stained-glass craftsman Matt and blacksmith Dom join forces to work on a decorative window panel with a remarkable story. Johnathan Shonfeld is the proud owner of the one-hundred-year-old stained glass panel, which sat above his grandparents' front door in North London. His family were heroes during the holocaust, rescuing hundreds of Jewish children from across Europe and Johnathan is keen to preserve this piece of important history.
Nov 3, 2021
Season 7
Episode 23
Grandmother's Midwifery Bag
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Wood expert Will is entrusted with a precious toy yacht that holds bittersweet memories for its owner John. The yacht brings back fond memories of playing with his younger brother Michael. Now John would love to see it restored to reconnect him to the brother he still sorely misses. Leather expert Suzie is tasked with reviving a midwifery bag originally owned by Wendy's grandmother throughout the 1920s and '30s. Used before the birth of the NHS, the bag represents a pioneering woman who pursued her career in order to provide for her young family. And mechanical maestro Steve joins forces with the Bear Ladies, Julie and Amanda, to spruce up and revive a broken toy teddy that reminds owner Gerry of the mother she lost when she was just a child.
Nov 2, 2021
Season 7
Episode 22
Pottery Vegetable Patch Signs
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Ceramics expert Kirsten Ramsay is charmed by a series of handmade pottery vegetable patch signs. Emma's father was extremely artistic and spent their childhood making all sorts of remarkable items. He cast and painted these lovely pieces himself and used them to mark out the different sections of his impressive veg patch in their garden. Sadly, he passed away suddenly and after several years of harsh weather, the signs are cracked, faded and won't stand the test of time. Emma is desperate to have this keepsake that represents so many of her loving fathers talents back in one piece . Next to arrive is Sally Mastroddi with a pull along wooden horse and cart toy for Will Kirk's attention. It belonged to her late mother has been in her family for nearly one hundred years. The little wheeled toy has been enjoyed by generations of children in Sally's extended farming family. Sally has wonderful memories of life growing up on a farm and playing with the cart, collecting conkers and giving her teddies a ride. She'd love to fulfil her mother's wish to have it restored so that it can continue to entertain future generations of her family. And silversmith and football fan Brenton West is honoured to be working on an important trophy. It was presented to Anthony Kennedy's father, Paddy, who played for Manchester United in the 1953 FA Youth Cup final. It means a huge amount to the Kennedy family as they are so proud of Paddy's footballing career but the trophy is very tarnished and is missing several pieces of decorative detail. Brenton rises to the challenge and restores its winning shine.
Nov 1, 2021
Season 7
Episode 21
Chesterfield Armchair
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First through the barn doors today is Gloria Bartlett. She has brought her pride and joy, a Chesterfield armchair, in the hope that upholstery superstar Sonnaz Norranvary can return it to mint condition. She borrowed the money to pay for two chairs and a sofa in the 1980s, and at the time felt very extravagant. The three-piece design classic has brought Gloria and her extended family years of comfort and joy, but sadly the armchair is now looking very down at heel. The leather is dry, faded and cracked. There are several holes exposing the upholstery sponge beneath, much of the distinctive button detailing is detached, and many of the brass tacks are missing. Sonnaz has a major renovation on her hands to get this iconic piece back to its former glory. Next, silversmith Brenton West welcomes Joanne Piper-Bourn with her one-of-a-kind brass keepsake box. The ornate item was made by Joanne's grandfather for her grandmother and has been passed down the family, each recipient treasuring it. However, it is now looking a little worse for wear. The wooden structure is riddled with woodworm holes, the decorative brass panels are tarnished, and several details are missing. The painted sections are chipped, and the trim is detaching. Fortunately, Joanne has bestowed it to the capable hands of Brenton, who is only too happy to get to work on it. And a precious piece of silver jewellery is delivered by Paul Cass and his son Pete to jeweller Richard Talman. The engraved chain-link bracelet was an engagement gift for Paul from his beloved late wife Cherry and represents their love. The bracelet was lost and damaged so much that it can no longer be worn. Richard carefully repairs each flaw and preserves the words of love engraved on the piece.
Oct 30, 2021
Season 7
Episode 20
Singing Trophy
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Silversmith Brenton West is tasked with reviving a worn-down singing trophy that celebrates the musical talent of a sadly departed mother. Won in 1955, it commemorates a young girl who turned her back on singing when she started a family. With one handle missing and the silver plate tarnished and dented, the trophy is in bad shape, so her daughter hopes Brenton can get the treasured trophy singing once more. Wood expert Will Kirk works wonders on an ornate, wired bird cage gifted to a daughter by the biological father she only managed to track down as an adult. Owner Sarah was adopted at six months, and her father Georges had not even known she had been born. After just a few years with him in her life, he sadly passed away from lung cancer. A fiddly fix from Will, along with finishing touches from metal expert Dom, brings the beloved bird cage back to life for Sarah. And leather expert Suzie Fletcher wrestles a beaten-up boxing bag back into shape. It originally belonged to a successful cruiser-weight fighter, and grandson Danny is knocked out by Suzie's stunning transformation.
Apr 8, 2021
Season 7
Episode 19
Vintage Pocket Camera
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Camera restorer Brenton West tackles a vintage pocket camera, believed to have taken the final photo of a loving family before they dispersed following their mother's death. Owner Geoff cherishes this prized possession that has been in the family since the early 1900s. Toy restorers Amanda Middleditch and Julie Tatchell get to grips with a stuffed pig that is crying out for some TLC. The 65-year-old fabric toy has served as a lifetime companion for owner Sally who, as a child, even manged to get him christened by her local vicar. After such a fortuitous start, grand-daughter Sophie is determined to continue Piglet's legacy for future generations. And ceramics expert Kirsten Ramsay painstakingly pieces back together a delicate stone plate from India. Owner Amelia's father originally bought it on a work trip. Once home, it had taken pride of place in the family hallway. But when Amelia's mother suffered a sudden stroke, an unfortunate accident left the plate in pieces.
Apr 7, 2021
Season 7
Episode 18
Silver Salt and Pepper Music Box
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Silversmith Brenton West takes on the repair of a salt and pepper music box of great sentimental value to owner Janice. The ornate pair was purchased in Hong Kong by Janice's mother, who accompanied her father during his army posting in the 1950s. Janice played with the set throughout her childhood, and now she wants her daughter to treasure it for future generations. Mechanical expert Steve Fletcher finds himself flummoxed by a talking doll who's lost her voice. Mending the miniature record player inside her proves an unusually tricky challenge for Steve. Meanwhile, teddy bear ladies Julie Tatchell and Amanda Middleditch take on the comparatively fun part of the fix, creating her original 1960s clothes. And master hatter Jayesh Vaghela is brought to the barn to tackle a treasured hat worn by a prisoner of war as he worked on the Death Railway in the Second World War.
Apr 6, 2021
Season 7
Episode 17
Cigar Box Ukulele
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Metal maestro Dominic Chinea is blown away by a prewar ride-on toy aeroplane that has been grounded for decades. Owner Charlotte is hoping to restore her grandpa's vintage toy for her own daughter Phoebe to enjoy. Rusty and in pieces, getting the plane fit for piloting again is going to be a mammoth job for Dom. Luthier Julyan Wallis is tasked with reviving a make-do-and-mend ukulele fashioned from an old cigar box. This hand-crafted instrument was made by owner Kate's father in the 1920s and was played at family gatherings throughout her childhood. And ceramics expert Kirsten Ramsey works wonders on a collection of badly broken zoo animals made from wood pulp.
Apr 5, 2021
Season 7
Episode 16
Hundred-Year-Plus Nursing Chair
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First to arrive is a dilapidated nursing chair dating back over 100 years. The button-back antique reminds owner James of the wonderful times he spent with his grandmother and mother as a child. With generations of his family having been nursed on the chair, the wooden frame is now completely broken. Wood expert Will Kirk and upholsterer Sonnaz Nooranvary join forces to resurrect not only James's precious chair but also his cherished childhood memories. Leather expert Suzie Fletcher's expertise is called upon to repair a 1950s helmet that belonged to a brave firefighter who witnessed one of Wales's most devastating disasters. David Evans was involved in the 1966 Aberfan tragedy, when a colliery spoil tip collapsed and plummeted down the mountain slope towards the village of Aberfan. Restoring this hero's helmet to its former glory proves an immensely touching tribute for his devoted daughter Janet. And metal expert Dominic Chinea undertakes the repair of a vintage coffee grinder that takes owner Sergio back to summers spent with his grandparents in Italy. With the grinder turning once more, it is the evocative aroma of coffee that instantly connects an emotional Sergio with his past.
Apr 2, 2021
Season 7
Episode 15
Stoneware Elephant from New Zealand
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First through the barn doors is a stoneware elephant purchased by a young British couple, Michel and Paul, when they lived in New Zealand. The couple immediately fell in love with the long-legged elephant, affectionately naming it Derrick. Tragically, Paul passed away unexpectedly from pneumonia, triggering Michel to return to the UK to be near family and friends. Of course, she brought their beloved elephant back home with her. But a fall from a mantlepiece left the ornament shattered into tiny pieces. Ceramics expert Kirsten Ramsay has her work cut out to revive both Michel's precious elephant and her memories. Wood expert Will Kirk and master saddler Suzie Fletcher join forces to resurrect a dilapidated child's rocking horse, built by a grandfather who never had the chance to repair it for his baby granddaughter. It is ravaged by woodworm, so Will needs to carve a new neck. Suzie not only manages to salvage its original tail but also creates a beautiful new saddle for little Tamsin to ride on. And silversmith Brenton West undertakes the repair of an unusual trophy shaped like a boxing ring. Brothers Max and Joe Fallone are keen to honour their dad Ray by restoring this treasured timepiece, originally presented for his services to boxing.
Apr 1, 2021
Season 7
Episode 14
Hand-Made Toy Racing Car
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Mechanical maestro Steve Fletcher and metal man Dominic Chinea tackle the motor and body of a hand-made toy racing car. The unique vehicle serves as a memento of a brave father from Poland who, as a boy during the war, was forced to work in a munitions factory's iron foundry. Eventually, with the help of the French resistance, he managed to escape. Due to this early experience, his daughter Linda remembers him as a man who could make anything out of metal. The racing car she brings to the barn is one of his creations that she yearns to see going once again. Leather expert Suzie Fletcher get to grips with a leather bowls bag that is due to be passed on to the fifth generation of a sports-mad family. Owner Joyce's grandfather Edward passed his love of crown green bowls on to her. Now she would like to pass the bag, and her love of bowls, on to her own grandchildren. An impromptu game of bowls on the grass outside the barn reveals a competitive streak in Jay. And wood expert Will Kirk works his magic on an intricately carved box from the Far East. Owner David's mother bought it with her when she came to Europe from Singapore as a young bride.
Mar 31, 2021
Season 7
Episode 13
Italian Musical Table
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Music box expert Stephen Kember and furniture restorer Will Kirk collaborate on the repair of a small musical table of great sentimental value to owner Jenny. As a young girl, Jenny's family lived in Istanbul, and on their way back to the UK they stopped off in Italy and bought this treasured possession. Her mum passed away when Jenny was just 18 years old, and now she longs to unlock precious memories by once again hearing the table's tune that has remained silent for over a decade. Toy restorers Amanda Middleditch and Julie Tatchell keep calm and carry on as they revive a Land Army doll made by owner Vanessa's mother, who served in the Women's Land Army during the Second World War. The doll was so precious to Vanessa's mother that no-one had permission to play with it. After the bear ladies' unique restoration, the history of her mother's doll becomes clearer to a truly grateful Vanessa. And leather expert Suzie Fletcher joins forces with embroidery specialist Sara Dennis to revive a pair of worn-out driving gloves used by a transport driver from Barnsley as he drove up and down the country and slept in his unheated cab.
Mar 30, 2021
Season 7
Episode 12
Sammy the Snail
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First through the barn doors is a vintage ride-on toy that has seen better days. Metal maestro Dominic Chinea cannot wait to get to work on 'Sammy the Snail', who is beaten up and rusted after years of enthusiastic use by owner Hannah and her four brothers. Keen to revive Sammy for the next generation, Dom is delighted to discover his original colours and channels a snazzy, psychedelic paint restoration to bring the old snail out of his shell. Silversmith Brenton West pairs up with wood restorer Will Kirk to turn around a once shiny ballroom trophy, now faded and worn. For owner Anne Marie, the silver-plated rose bowl commemorates her parents, both professional dancers, who won the trophy when they twirled around the ballroom together over 70 years ago. And bicycle restorer Tim Gunn undertakes the repair of a vintage bicycle gifted to a young girl by her loving father who passed away when she was just 14 years old. With her daughter now approaching the same age, Susan is keen to hand the beloved bike on.
Apr 15, 2021
Season 7
Episode 11
Victorian Rocking Chair
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Upholster Sonnaz Nooranvary and metal expert Dominic Chinea join forces to revive a Victorian iron rocking chair that has given great comfort to a family for generations. Current custodian Katie looked after her ailing father in the chair, and since he passed away it means more to her than ever. Mechanically minded David Burville takes on the fix of a quirky mechanical bear ornament that is meant to move its head in time to music. Seized up and looking rather sorry for itself, it reminds owner Rose of her late mother, who bought it after taking out a home improvements loan from the bank. While David tackles the automaton, Julie Tatchell and Amanda Middleditch give the bear the brush up he so desperately needs. And leather expert Suzie Fletcher takes receipt of a broken and burned leather collar attached to an alpine cowbell, gifted to owner Maureen by a very special lifelong friend.
Mar 26, 2021
Season 7
Episode 10
Mining Scene Oil Painting
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Art conservator Lucia Scalisi revives an oil painting of a mining scene, created by an amateur artist in the 1960s. It is a delicate task for Lucia as she cleans away the dirty surface to reveal the stunning scene underneath. Owner Gwyn is overwhelmed when she returns to the barn to see her miner father's artwork restored to its full glory. Embroidery expert Sara Dennis and silversmith Brenton West join forces on a delicate wedding tiara, originally worn by a 1950s model whose granddaughter, Lydia, wants it restored for her own impending nuptials. It proves to be a mathematical puzzle to mimic the original pattern and ensure the silk, diamantes and pearls sparkle as they did 70 years ago. And mechanical maestro Steve Fletcher takes receipt of an early 20th-century chiming mantelpiece clock that was gifted to a loving couple on their wedding day. After 63 years together, owner Brian's mother sadly passed away, leaving his father alone. The chiming clock then proved a lifeline for his elderly dad as his eyesight began to fail.
Mar 25, 2021
Season 7
Episode 9
Pub Pinball Penny Slot Machine
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First up is a pinball penny slot machine, originally at the bar of a village pub run by owner Jeannine's family. From the late 1930s until the 1950s, her great-grandfather was the landlord at this local watering hole, and was then succeeded by her grandparents. Jeannine was brought up just opposite the pub, and this antique pinball machine now provides a tangible link to her predecessors. Following a collaborative restoration, mechanical maestro Steve Fletcher and woodwork expert Will Kirk can't resist staging a competitive game of pinball before handing the slot machine back to its owner. Art conservator Lucia Scalisi's expertise is called upon to repair a 1960s hand-painted drag cone - a fibreglass cone with a perspex viewing screen that sits on a motorbike's handlebars to deflect wind from a rider racing at high speeds. Owner Dan's father, Chris Bartram, was a drag racer in the 1960s and 70s, but died young when his sons were just 13 and 11 years old. This unique item is a first for Lucia, who asks metal expert Dominic Chinea to create a special perspex stand on which to display this treasured family heirloom. And silversmith Brenton West undertakes the repair of two art deco-style silver ladies holding mirrors aloft. Owner Laraine sees the 'silver ladies' as a link to her beloved great-grandmother, with whom she lived as a child.
Mar 24, 2021
Season 7
Episode 8
Sparkling Chandelier
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Electrics expert Mark Stuckey and silversmith Brenton West join forces to repair a much-loved, sparkling chandelier that once took pride of place in a council house. Owner Suzanne's mum Pat worked as a cleaner for a wealthy couple who gifted her the cherished chandelier. Remembering it as a constant in her childhood, Suzanne is delighted to see it return to its former glory, and so is her daughter Grace. Furniture restorer Will Kirk is presented with a damaged mother-of-pearl table, badly burned after a hot pan was mistakenly placed on its surface. Stuart's treasured heirloom originally belonged to his grandmother and was damaged by his father as he grew ill. Will sets about painstakingly piecing together this ornate piece of furniture to achieve the near impossible. And mechanical maestro Steve Fletcher turns his attention to a broken toy airplane that doubles up as a memento of a lost childhood in Iraq. The runway plane belongs to Mae, who received it as a child. Now her daughter Serena is hoping it can be fixed so that her mum can relive the childhood and country she left behind.
Apr 14, 2021
Season 7
Episode 7
Sparking Toy Rocket
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Paper conservator Louise Drover rescues a water-damaged pastel portrait of a young couple. Owner Simon cherishes the portrait of him and his late wife Vicky, captured whilst on holiday in their youth. It is a delicate task for Louise as she uses more moisture to tackle the stubborn water stain. Mechanical maestro Steve Fletcher takes receipt of a 1950s toy rocket that once had sparks. It was gifted to owner Marcus by his grandfather, who told him to be very careful with it. But a decision to take it to school ended in disaster, with the rocket overwound and broken. Now Marcus and his son James would love to see the sparks flying from the ruined rocket once again. And leather expert Suzie Fletcher is delighted to work on a cherished purse that has become a good luck charm for owner Jennie. It is now battered and crumbling and held together with elasticated hairbands, so Suzie needs all the luck she can muster to get it back to its original state.
Mar 22, 2021
Season 7
Episode 6
Indian Sitar
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Jay invites new expert Kaviraj Singh to the barn to try to fix a broken Indian stringed instrument once played by a much-missed father. Brother and sister Kesar and Parveen were devastated when their father's sitar was accidentally broken. Holding irreplaceable memories of their childhood and beloved father, the pair are moved to tears when they return to play the lovingly restored instrument once again. Leather expert Suzie Fletcher gets to grips with an iconic flying jacket that was worn by a brave RAF Spitfire pilot during the Second World War. Now his grandson longs to wear the cherished item and pass it on to his fledgling family when they grow up. And mechanical maestro Steve Fletcher works his magic on a damaged mechanical toy bird that has lost its tweet. With its wounded wing and broken bellows, it is a tricky task to get the little bird twirling and tweeting once again.
Mar 19, 2021
Season 7
Episode 5
Carved Clay Sculptures
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. First to arrive is a delicately carved set of clay sculptures for the attention of ceramics expert Kirsten Ramsey. Owner Jackie treasures the figurines, lovingly crafted by her older brother Andrew who tragically died in an accident at the tender age of 18. After over 40 years on display, the unglazed figurines are crumbling and in dire need of repair. Kirsten uses all of her experience in clay modelling to resurrect these cherished pieces for Jackie. Metal expert Dominic Chinea's knowledge is called upon to rejuvenate a vintage lawnmower that was retired for a newer model in the 1970s. Owner John arrives at the barn with the loyal workhorse that reminds him of his beloved grandfather. A keen gardener, John longs to emulate his grandfather's freshly lined mowed lawn. With the entire mechanism seized up and rusty, Dom's got his work cut out to bring this mighty machine back to life. And leather expert Suzie Fletcher undertakes the repair of a treasured toy horse, handmade by a British soldier as he recovered in an Italian hospital during the Second World War. His daughter Ann is hoping Suzie can restore the horse named Garibaldi back to how it would have looked when her dad first made it.
Apr 13, 2021
Season 7
Episode 4
Toy Carriage
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Metal expert Dominic Chinea takes on a toy carriage which originally belonged to a young boy born in 1911. Owner Jane inherited it from her father and remembers pulling it along and sitting on it as a child. Most of all, she recalls placing her stuffed toys carefully inside. Dom turns his hand to replacing the battered roof, while Jay Blades sets off on a sewing mission of his own. Now a pensioner, Jane's thrilled to be reunited with her restored carriage and poignantly places her old dolls back inside. Silversmith Brenton West is in his element as he carefully restores two platinum framed records given to rock star Jimmy McCulloch, a guitarist in Paul McCartney's band Wings. Jimmy's younger cousin, Margaret, is now custodian of the precious discs and longs to see them revived in honour of her beloved relative who tragically died when he was just 26 years old. The restoration triggers a trip down memory lane for '70s music fan Brenton. And mechanical expert Steve Fletcher takes on an ornate but broken clock. For owner Simon, the timepiece not only triggers memories of his much-loved grandmother but also symbolises the significant setbacks suffered by his 18-year-old daughter Emily.
Apr 12, 2021
Season 7
Episode 3
Midge the Stuffed Monkey
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Toy restorers Julie and Amanda welcome a stuffed monkey called Midge into the barn. Owner Charles received the toy primate as a Christmas present in the 1960s, but when he turned 14, his market trader dad put Midge to work on his Barnsley Market stall. To attract shoppers, the monkey hung from the stall whilst an invisible pulley waved his hand. Now retired, the years of hard graft have left Midge in dire need of a Bear Ladies makeover. Metal expert Dominic Chinea faces the heavy-duty task of freeing a metal vice. Owner Daniel cherishes the multipurpose tool which has inspired four generations of his Derbyshire family to revive, make and mend. Seized up and rusty from years in the garden, Dom enlists Jay's help to try to prise the stubborn vice apart. It becomes a case of brute strength to get the vice working again in time for Daniel's return. And wood wizard Will Kirk puts his carving skills to the test as he tackles a Scandinavian folk figurine that has been mauled by a mischievous puppy. Owner Paula treasures the sculpture as a memento of her grandfather, who was honoured for his work in the wood pulp industry by the King of Sweden.
Mar 16, 2021
Season 7
Episode 2
Badly Burned Toy Dog
Toy restorers Amanda and Julie have their work cut out reviving a sad dog that has been badly burned in a devastating house fire. The toy has been by owner Jody's side throughout her life, and when she saw her house being engulfed by flames, it was one of the first things on her mind. Now Jody would like her beloved toy to be restored so she can pass it on to her young son Noah. Metal expert Dominic Chinea and bright spark Mark Stuckey join forces to fix a retro kitchen mixer that provided the beating heart of a family kitchen. This now-rusty machine belonged to a much-loved mum and pastry chef, Ada. Now daughter Becky and daughter-in-law Alison are hoping to revive it in memory of Ada. It is a tough task, but when the experts whip up a treat for the ladies' return, it really is the icing on the cake. And silversmith Brenton works his magic on a nurse's belt buckle. Owner Trevor's mother Rosemary was given the buckle by her father when she embarked on her nursing career in the 1950s. After dedicating her life to the NHS, Rosemary sadly died shortly after retirement. Now, Trevor's teenage daughter Olivia is hoping to follow her nan into the nursing profession, and he wants to pass the treasured item on to her.
Mar 15, 2021
Season 7
Episode 1
Matchstick Model Ship
Jay Blades and the team bring three treasured family heirlooms, and the memories they hold, back to life. Wood whizz Will Kirk takes on the huge responsibility of restoring a model ship that was carefully handcrafted out of matchsticks by a beloved father who died when his children were still small. This is one of the only possessions that owner Lesley has from her dad, whom she lost when she was just seven. Metal expert Dominic Chinea and furniture upholsterer Sonnaz Nooranvary join forces to restore a machinist's chair that links a lover of needlework with her seamstress grandmother. Owner Tara never met her grandmother but was gifted the chair when her grandparents passed away. Ceramics conservator Kirsten Ramsay turns her hand to papier mache when she restores a black and white dog that has spent decades in his master's hallway, reminding him of his long and exciting career in the music industry.
Dec 24, 2021
Season 7
Episode 0
At Christmas 2021
The experts restore four beloved festive treasures - a very special mechanical doll, a traditional German Christmas decoration, an ageing harmonium and a train set from Kenya. The experts are challenged to create gifts for each other.

Cast & Crew

View All
Jay Blades
Self -
Bill Paterson
Self -
William Kirk
Self -
Steven Fletcher
Self -
Dominic Chinea
Self -
Suzie Fletcher
Self -
Brenton West
Self -
Kirsten Ramsay
Self -

Season info

Original Title
The Repair Shop
Age certificate
Sound mix